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No Accidents – Signs Surround You after death communication afterlife first-person accounts insight life after life spiritual growth survival of consciousness Aug 30, 2021

What rules your life: destiny, fate, coincidences, chance or free will? Perhaps it’s a combination of them all. Largely I believe your life follows a blueprint, or as I like to call it – a screenplay…that you wrote to h...

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The Indifference of Dying afterlife consciousness death & dying insight lessons of the nde life after death near death experiences sandy coghlan spiritual growth Aug 16, 2021

The following post is from Sandy Coghlan’s blog “Heaven Knows…” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE.


One evening in 1987, my mother went to bed. She didn’t get up again for a year.


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Eternal Summer In The Grateful Heart aging insight life after life spiritual growth Jul 19, 2021
(Featured photo by Raimond Klavins)


Following up our previous blog posts of quotes about Beyond Death and Love and Death, we now encounter Summer (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere)– the bright, luminous, and exuberant counterpoint to the quiet r...

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Friendship: A Soul Planning Perspective alicia young consciousness insight life plan soul plans spiritual growth Jun 21, 2021

Quick! Name three friends over the course of your life. 

Consider who came to mind. Maybe a grade-school pal? College roommate? Your maid of honor or best man? 

Have you considered that they came into your life by design? 


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Inner Awakening with Devi Allen consciousness insight spiritual growth Jun 07, 2021
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Meditating as a Means of Connection insight spiritual growth May 31, 2021
(Featured photo: Yousef Espanioly)

Have you ever felt like you’re just a part of a bigger story that’s playing out before your very own eyes? Have you ever felt such a potent memory of a moment that just took place –  as if you’ve seen it in a dream before –...

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A Sense of Loss consciousness insight spiritual growth May 25, 2021

The human experience inevitably involves grief and mourning. The challenging experiences of loss and change can be seen as rites of passage – a gateway to the next phase of life. 

Grief must be felt, witnessed, h...

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The Power of Surrender insight lessons of the nde spiritual growth May 18, 2021

After undergoing a near-death experience, many describe feeling connected to a greater understanding of life. How poignant – to recognize that once we let go of life, we can more fully appreciate and understand it. 

As a sin...

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NDE & Quantum Experiencing – What do they have in common? consciousness insight life after life spiritual growth May 10, 2021

Quantum Experiencing has offered me the ability to reliably access states of deep peace and clarity in every moment of the day. Having lived much of my life feeling pushed and pulled by my circumstances and surroundin...

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How to Ease Fear of Death in a Pandemic after effects of ndes coping covid death & dying fear of dying insight life after death nde research near death experiences May 04, 2021
(Featured photo: Jenn Wood)

Around 8,000 Americans will die today, roughly 700 of them from COVID-19. We all know that death comes to everyone. Humankind has lived with that platitude for millennia. But it sometimes takes a pandemic for us to realize ...

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