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Loved by the Light dr. raymond moody near death experiences spirituality Apr 26, 2023

The following are excerpts from Loved by the Light a new book from John Audette, co-founder of IANDS (The International Association for Near-Death Studies). He has been featured more than once in Dr. Kenneth Ring's wonderful blog (Without Him, IANDS Would Not Exist, and The Phantom Hitchhiker) and i...

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An excerpt from Making Sense of Nonsense by Dr. Raymond Moody dr. raymond moody life after death life after life spirituality Jan 04, 2021

Nonsense is a valuable part of language that deserves serious study. Even so, some people resist the idea of rational studies of nonsense. What is the peculiar stigma that many people attach to unintelligible nonsense?

Nonsense is surrounded by se...

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Life, Death, and the Cosmos: The Music of the Avalanches insight life after life spirituality Dec 25, 2020

“Life, death, and the cosmos set the boundaries of the Avalanches’ ambitious third album, We Will Always Love You. The record begins with a farewell voicemail—a final communication, we are led to believe, from a young woman who has passed away—and it ends wi...

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Get Real By Suzanne Giesemann after death communication mediumship spirituality survival of consciousness Jun 27, 2019

Many people embark on the spiritual path in response to a personal tragedy.  My journey began after the death of my stepdaughter, Susan, who was struck by lightning. Since then, my worldview and my understanding of reality have expanded far beyond that whi...

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Heaven: An Excerpt From Becoming Starlight By Dr. Sharon Prentice heaven shared death experiences spirituality Jan 20, 2019
By Sharon Prentice   
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