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Proof of Life After Life afterlife dr. raymond moody life after death paul perry science of ndes Jun 06, 2023


Exciting news — available for pre-order now!

PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE, the most important book yet written by Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, reveals evidence of the afterlife through their study of shared death experience.

Relying on more than fifty years of research, this groundbreaking b...

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Mark Anthony Interview with Dr. Raymond Moody after death communication dr. raymond moody lisa smartt mediumship paul perry Dec 20, 2022

We're thrilled to share with you an exclusive interview by Dr. Moody, best-selling author Paul Perry, and Lisa Smartt with renowned psychic Mark Anthony! 

In this interview, they talk about the connection between psychic abilities and NDEs, how to recognize and trust psychic experiences, Mark Antho...

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Mark Anthony Interview Preview dr. raymond moody insight life after life lisa smartt mediumship near death experiences paul perry shared death experiences Aug 01, 2022

In our final post previewing some of our upcoming interviews, we talk to Mark Anthony, a fourth-generation psychic, about his understanding of psychic phenomena, what his experiences have taught him, and why he believes there is proof of a life after death.

He also e

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Jeremy Narby Interview Preview consciousness life after life lisa smartt paul perry psychedelics Jul 11, 2022

As we announced last week, we will be debuting our brand new website makeover later this year! We’ll have wonderful new content as well as a lot of exciting projects in the works to continue to bring you the best of the science of near-death experiences, as well as per

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Exciting News and Steve Taylor Interview consciousness insight life after life lisa smartt paul perry spiritual growth Jul 04, 2022



Later this summer we will be switching to a brand new look and adding exciting new content. Our existing blogs and offerings will be coming with us, but you’ll find a lot more to love wit

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What is Past-Life Regression? dr. raymond moody insight life after death life after life paul perry reincarnation survival of consciousness Apr 17, 2022

The following is excerpted from Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys by Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry.

I first heard about past-life regressions from Ian Stevenson, a professor at the University of Virginia. He is a ps...

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Exploring Your Own Past Lives dr. raymond moody past lives paul perry reincarnation Dec 11, 2020
(Top photo: Vincent Wright)


The following is an excerpt from ‘Coming Back’, Dr. Raymond Moody’s classic book, recently reissued.

There is a belief on the part of some people that exploring past lives is something only certain people can do, that you h...

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An Excerpt from: The Light Beyond by Dr. Raymond Moody after effects of ndes dr. raymond moody fear of dying near death experiences paul perry Dec 04, 2020

I have been able to isolate eight kinds of personal changes that take place in a person undergoing an NDE (Three are covered in this excerpt –Ed.). These changes were present in all the NDEers I have talked to. It is the combi...

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2nd Annual Online Nde Summit: A Match Made In Heaven By Lisa Smartt dr. raymond moody life after life lisa smartt nde research ndes paul perry Apr 30, 2019

Weeks before Raymond and I launched The University of Heaven, I started seeing social media posts from a near-death experiencer named Tricia Barker. She was launching the First Online NDE Summit with a beauti...

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What It Means To “Die” And “Wake Up” after effects of ndes first-person accounts ndes paul perry Jan 30, 2019

Rajiv Parti MD, and the Lessons of His NDE

I have written a dozen books on near-death experiences (NDEs), four of which are New York Times bestsellers. The subject of NDEs is one I’m devoted to, and as a result I am constantly in contact with researchers in th...

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