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2nd Annual Online Nde Summit: A Match Made In Heaven By Lisa Smartt

dr. raymond moody life after life lisa smartt nde research ndes paul perry Apr 30, 2019
afterlife, life after death, university of heaven, river

Weeks before Raymond and I launched The University of Heaven, I started seeing social media posts from a near-death experiencer named Tricia Barker. She was launching the First Online NDE Summit with a beautiful high-definition image of a river with rolling hills and billowing clouds.

“That image is beautiful,” I thought, intrigued by the woman who posted it.

I soon found out that the river in the image came from Tricia’s near-death experience, and the idea of creating online summits grew from what she learned of her purpose in life during her NDE. “I was told to go back and become a teacher and start the Universe School, ” Tricia explained.

After recovering from the injuries related to the life-threatening car accident that led to her NDE, Tricia did, indeed, become a teacher. Part of her teaching duties included creating online courses, so it seemed a natural fit for her to bring her gifts and call for teaching to the Internet. Tricia saw the potential of online instruction to offer greater access to high-risk students such as new mothers, head of households working more than one job and adults with learning challenges.

And more recently, she expanded her identity as a teacher to reach out to others to teach about the healing power of the light within ourselves to overcome some of life’s biggest adversities. Tricia’s life’s lessons are shared in Angels in the OR, her recently published book about her near-death experience and the challenges and blessings that followed.

As I learned more about Tricia and her NDE, I was struck with the similarities in our lives:

We both have been community college English instructors. We both are deeply committed to creating healing opportunities for victims of sexual assault as we ourselves are both survivors. We both had powerful and compelling out-of-body experiences. And we both saw online and NDE education as a force for good. 

“Hmm,” I thought. “We could probably do twice as much good together as we could alone.”

And Tricia agreed. 

Tricia, Raymond and I are delighted to cosponsor The Second Annual Online NDE Summit



SPEAKERS INCLUDE: *Dr. Raymond Moody *Paul Perry *Dr. Jeffrey Long  *Lisa Smartt *Nancy Rynes *Dr. Eben Alexander *Karen Newell *Lesley Lupo  *Howard Storm, *Kimberly Clark Sharp  *Dr.Tony Cicoria *David Ditchfield, and *John Burke. 

 The intent of The Second Annual Online Near-Death Experience Summit is to bring  compelling near-death experience researchers and experiencers together in an online format for those who may not be able to travel to a conference to see these speakers or those who simply want an extra dose of these great speakers.

Some of the audience members last year said that listening to experiencers and researchers “removed all doubt” and helped them connect to a deeper relationship with Source.  Others reported feeling more creative and wrote music or painted while listening to the speakers.


Learn more about Tricia Barker in her new book ANGELS IN THE OR.