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Divinely Align Me by Alicia Young alicia young soul plans Oct 25, 2022

Photo by Vincentiu Solomon

We're pleased to announce the publication of Alicia Young's new book Divinely Align Me: How Signs from the Universe Keep You on Your Path.  You can read a brief excerpt below.

Alicia has had many spiritual experiences throughout her life, including being allowed to witne...

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Soul Plans and Estrangement alicia young soul plans spiritual growth Sep 30, 2022

This is our monthly column on Soul Plans by Alicia Young. Alicia had a life-changing experience where she was invited to watch the pre-life planning session of a friend’s son, which she later wrote about in her book Visit from Heaven: A ...

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Soul Plans and World Peace alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight life after life life plan soul plans spiritual growth Aug 29, 2022

This is our monthly column on Soul Plans by Alicia Young. Alicia had a life-changing experience where she was invited to watch the pre-life planning session of a friend’s son, which she later wrote about in her book Visit from Heaven: ...

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Soul Plans and Political Divisions alicia young insight life after life soul plans spiritual growth survival of consciousness Jul 25, 2022


(Featured photo by Sujitabh Chaudhary)

A friend insists she chose her quirky sense of humor in her Soul Plan. Doesn’t that seem kind of … frivolous? Don’t we have weightier things to design for our lives here?

Our sense of humor is as individual as we are. It’s a valuab...

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Soul Plans and Losing Friendships alicia young insight life plan soul plans spiritual growth survival of consciousness Jun 27, 2022

Do you grieve differently since your OBE/trip to the Other Side?

Yes, my experience of grief has changed. As I’ve shared previously, my father passed a few years ago. Dad had dementia, and it was just as they say it is: a long goodbye, wit...

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Soul Plans and Unhealthy Dynamics afterlife alicia young life after death life after life life plan soul plans spiritual growth May 28, 2022
(Featured photo by Nate Foong)

My sister’s husband gaslights her, and her confidence has plummeted this past year. Why would this be part of either’s Soul Plan?

When things are going well in our key relationships (or in those we witness), it can be easier to contemplate...

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Soul Plans and Acceptance afterlife alicia young insight life after death soul plans spiritual growth survival of consciousness Apr 17, 2022


Will Smith at the Oscars. What do you make of it from a Soul Plan perspective? 

I have received variations on this question a swag of countries!

[In case you missed it: Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith’s shaven h

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Souls Plans: What Fear Can Teach Us afterlife alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight life after life life plan soul plans spiritual growth Mar 24, 2022

Many spiritual authors, whether mediums or researchers who report the experience of others, have noted that loved ones who appear often seem markedly younger than when they passed. P...

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Soul Plans and Difficult Lessons alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight lessons of the nde life after life life plan spiritual growth Feb 21, 2022


(Featured photo by TOMOKO UJI)


Since your OBE to the Other Side, have you experienced anything like it again? 

I have experienced only glimpses, such as a searing intensity of love or an especially deep sense of peace that surpassed the ‘norm’. These mome...

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Soul Plans and Life Themes alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight life plan soul plans spiritual growth survival of consciousness Jan 24, 2022


Would you prefer to know when you’re going to die?

At age seven, I had a premonition of my death. It was my turn to read in front of the class when suddenly, everything stopped. I saw myself as a grown-up, with her back turned. I then watched this woman shot to the bac...

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