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Life After Life
Dr. Raymond Moody On Suicide (An Excerpt)
Dr. Raymond Moody On Suicide (An Excerpt) dr. raymond moody healing grief life after death nde nde research near death experiences suicide Feb 12, 2021

This audio, and the text that follows, are all excerpts from Dr. Moody’s presentation, On Suicide. 


By Life After Life 


So I can talk first of all from the perspective of a person who’s lost a loved one to suicide. Secondly, I studied philosophy and got my Ph.D. in philosophy and became a ph...

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Why Understanding Life After Death Requires A New Way of Thinking death & dying dr. raymond moody insight life after life near death experiences science of ndes Feb 01, 2021


Since 1965 I have interviewed thousands of people about their profound near-death experiences. In 1975 I published Life After Life, a book about my...

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An excerpt from Making Sense of Nonsense by Dr. Raymond Moody dr. raymond moody life after death life after life spirituality Jan 04, 2021

Nonsense is a valuable part of language that deserves serious study. Even so, some people resist the idea of rational studies of nonsense. What is the peculiar stigma that many people attach to unintelligible nonsense?

Nonsense is surrounded by se...

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Exploring Your Own Past Lives dr. raymond moody past lives paul perry reincarnation Dec 11, 2020
(Top photo: Vincent Wright)


The following is an excerpt from ‘Coming Back’, Dr. Raymond Moody’s classic book, recently reissued.

There is a belief on the part of some people that exploring past lives is something only certain people can do, that you h...

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An Excerpt from: The Light Beyond by Dr. Raymond Moody after effects of ndes dr. raymond moody fear of dying near death experiences paul perry Dec 04, 2020

I have been able to isolate eight kinds of personal changes that take place in a person undergoing an NDE (Three are covered in this excerpt –Ed.). These changes were present in all the NDEers I have talked to. It is the combi...

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A Little More Humor From the Hereafter afterlife dr. raymond moody healing grief humor and mortality life after life Oct 12, 2020
(Top photo: Patty Brito)


a second excerpt from


a little humor from the hereafter

By Dr. Lester Mitchell, Doctor of Eternal Medicine

as told to Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. author of Life After Lif...

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A Little Humor From the Hereafter afterlife dr. raymond moody humor and mortality Oct 09, 2020

an excerpt from  


a little humor from the hereafter

By Dr. Lester Mitchell, Doctor of Eternal Medicine

as told to Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D., of Life After L...

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An Excerpt from A Brief Guide To Grief coping covid dr. raymond moody healing grief life after death life after life Sep 25, 2020
Photo: Kym MacKinnon

In the days of pandemic, we are all facing some form of grief as the life we knew before has been taken from us. There are those of us who not only are facing a collective loss of life as we knew it, but also, sadly, are confrontin...

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2nd Annual Online Nde Summit: A Match Made In Heaven By Lisa Smartt dr. raymond moody life after life lisa smartt nde research ndes paul perry Apr 30, 2019

Weeks before Raymond and I launched The University of Heaven, I started seeing social media posts from a near-death experiencer named Tricia Barker. She was launching the First Online NDE Summit with a beauti...

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