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Suffering & Source With Kimberly Clark Sharp afterlife first-person accounts ndes near death experiences Jun 15, 2019

by Kimberly Clark Sharp 

Near-death experiencer Kimberly Clark-Sharp shares her NDE and offers a few words of wisdom about suffering and service.


The first thing I remember was the urgent sound of a woman's voice. "I'm not getting a pulse!" she said. "I'm not getting a pulse." Though I don't re...

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Illuminated: Peggy Marcantonio after death communication first-person accounts personal stories from readers Mar 17, 2019
There was always the same beautiful lady there in the dark smiling and shining.

 My life began and changed swiftly with the death of my mother when I was seven weeks old. As I grew, I had the sense that someone or something was always watching me. I somehow knew I was d...

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Sharing The Love: A Special Valentine’s Post after death communication dr. kenneth ring first-person accounts Feb 13, 2019

Nancy Clark has been a dear friend of mine ever since writing to me in 1982 about a very profound near-death-like experience she had a few years earlier while delivering a eulogy – and you will shortly be reading an expanded version of that experie...

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What It Means To “Die” And “Wake Up” after effects of ndes first-person accounts ndes paul perry Jan 30, 2019

Rajiv Parti MD, and the Lessons of His NDE

I have written a dozen books on near-death experiences (NDEs), four of which are New York Times bestsellers. The subject of NDEs is one I’m devoted to, and as a result I am constantly in contact with researchers in th...

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Heaven Is Beautiful With Reverend Peter B. Panagore first-person accounts near death experiences Dec 15, 2018


A Divinity School Student’s Secret

When I was a young Divinity School student, I hid out in the books of the ancient mystics, isolating myself in their words, in a search for myself. I felt different than my classmates. When they were sitting in chapel every morning for an ho...

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Encounters and Visitations apparitions first-person accounts near death experiences personal stories from readers Nov 14, 2018


My first recollection of a conscious experience takes me back to a time of sitting in my pram. I was born February 6th, 1940, so this witnessing must have been the second summer of my life. As the habit was to place baby in a pram in the garden, I was strapped in safely and as...

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