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Sharing The Love: A Special Valentine’s Post

after death communication dr. kenneth ring first-person accounts Feb 13, 2019
afterlife, life after death, Dr. Ken Ring

Nancy Clark has been a dear friend of mine ever since writing to me in 1982 about a very profound near-death-like experience she had a few years earlier while delivering a eulogy – and you will shortly be reading an expanded version of that experience in the post that follows.  It is actually taken from a chapter in Nancy’s latest book, Beyond The Mystical Near-Death Experience and into the Unitive Experience. 

Nancy is the author of many books (I particularly recommend Revelations from the Light) and has devoted the last two decades to writing and teaching about the importance of NDEs and other spiritually transformative experiences.  Among other things, she is also the founder and leader of the Columbus, Ohio, branch of The International Association for Near-Death Studies.  For more information about Nancy and her books, visit her website at

Now get ready to read one of the most enthralling and wondrous encounters with the Divine that you will ever be likely to experience.  It happened almost exactly forty years ago and was the greatest gift of Nancy’s life, which she wanted me to share with you today. 


This excerpt is no longer available. Please enjoy this story from her website instead: 


Today is April 28, 2012, what would have been my 50th wedding anniversary. We were going to renew our wedding vows but of course, death had other plans for my husband and he died one month before our 49th anniversary. But today I decided to renew my vow to love him for eternity, a vow that honored a lifetime of the cherished love I have for him. But first I have to tell you that yellow roses have special meaning for me because Ched always bought them for me for special occasions when he was alive. I LOVE yellow roses!

Last year on our anniversary, I received the yellow roses through synchronicity and absolutely knew that Ched had a part in bringing them to me. I wrote about that in my latest book, Divine Moments: Ordinary People Having Spiritually Transcendent Experiences. Before he died, my husband made our son promise to bring me yellow roses from Ched so his love would always be with me on those special occasions. My son has kept that promise. However, I didn't mention the anniversary date was coming up soon because we both have a severe virus and I didn't want to put an extra responsibility upon him to get the roses for me. Besides, I knew he probably wouldn't remember our anniversary date unless reminded. I didn't mention it to him.

I have been praying all year for a sign from Ched, something that would let me know he is still aware of my love for him and that he is near. I prayed that Ched would bring me a sign for our anniversary date today.

The following is the answer to my prayers. I have a dear friend in New Jersey who I never met but I love her very much. Her name is Josie Varga. She is an author like myself who is interested in sharing the good news about after-death communications and life beyond death.

Just a few days ago, Josie emailed me and asked me what my address was as she was going to send me something. She gave no hint what she was going to send, but I gave her my address without hesitation. After I gave her my address, I mentioned that April 28th would be my 50th wedding anniversary.

The big day arrives today. I am praying for a sign from Ched on this very emotional day for me. I browse through our wedding album and cry a lot because I miss him so much. A hole in my heart is as large as the city I live in. Yet, I know he is okay. I know he is filled with love, joy, and peace unspeakable, yet it does not soothe the raw emotion of pain that separation has created. I ache to receive a message from him today, but what kind of message, I have no idea. I would leave that up to the mysterious universe. But the day is coming to a close. It's 5:00 pm already and nothing has happened.

Knock, knock. Someone is at the front door. I have a lung virus for weeks now and I look like a distressed haggard, but I answer the door. A young man in a suit is carrying an arrangement of 14 beautiful long-stemmed YELLOW ROSES in a vase of water! He hands the arrangement to me and wishes me a happy anniversary. I am anxious to see who sent these beautiful yellow roses to me so I quickly read the card. It says: Dear Nancy, these roses are not from me; they are from Ched. Happy Anniversary with all his love. I heard a voice telling me to buy you yellow roses. Please call me and I will explain. Love you, Josie

I broke down sobbing from happiness that filled every crevice of my heart. I immediately called Josie and she explained that one day she heard a voice in her head telling her to "buy Nancy yellow roses." She said it stunned her. Why?she wondered. She had no idea why she was supposed to buy me yellow roses! She told her husband about the voice in her head telling her to buy Nancy some yellow roses but she didn't understand why she should do this. She asked her husband what she should do. He told her to go ahead and buy them. So the next thing Josie did was to email me and ask me what my address was. She didn't tell me why she wanted it and I didn't ask. The story played out fully today when the yellow roses arrived at my doorstep.

Remember, Ched contacted Josie to tell her to buy me yellow roses BEFORE she knew my anniversary was coming up in a few days. She listened to that voice in her head and made a decision to buy them for me without knowing why. Only after she asked me for my address, did I tell her that my anniversary was coming up in a few days. I can imagine how Josie must have felt when she learned about my upcoming anniversary and then to know that Ched's spirit contacted her to send me the yellow roses. She must have been overjoyed to be an instrument of love from Ched to me.

It is 45 degrees outside today, rainy, and cold. Even though I have had a bad virus for three weeks, I donned a warm coat, gathered one long-stemmed yellow rose from the arrangement Josie sent; I took Ched's photo, my heart-shaped necklace that contains some of Ched's ashes, his wedding ring, my Bible and a new ring that I would use to renew my vow to love him for eternity. I walked to the memorial garden I created for him where some of his ashes remain and I sat on the bench seat near him. The wind whistled through the tall ash trees and the chilly mist perched on my eyeglasses but I was warmed by the love I was feeling for Ched and for the sign he brought me on this anniversary day to let me know his love is still with me.

Before I left, I thanked God for the amazing gift I received today knowing that love never dies and that even in death, there is a way for our loved ones to touch our lives in a way that defies understanding. The universe is filled with love and when we tap into it, we become transformed by it. I know that happened to me today.

I held my Bible over my heart, closed my eyes and held my index finger over the closed pages of the Bible. I asked God specifically for a message that would let me know that Ched lives again, not that I doubted that, I just wanted God to acknowledge it so I could feel that God was also part of this little ceremony I was having as a testament of my everlasting love for Ched. Moving my finger back and forth above the closed pages of the Bible, I waited for my usual sign to appear. A white light in the corner of my left eye signals me to promptly insert my finger into the closed pages of the Bible. I opened the Bible and my eyes, and asked God to help me understand what I was going to read and then I began reading.

What I was led to by Divine Guidance confirmed to me that God raised Ched from the dead and he lives again. Very specific to what I just asked God about. Acts 9:36-41 talks about a woman who died and her friends laid her in a room which was filled with weeping widows. When Peter arrived he asked them all to leave the room; then he knelt and prayed and told the body to Get up! The woman opened her eyes and sat up. He helped her up and called the people in, presenting her to them. The woman died, but was raised up to new life again. This is precisely what God wanted me to know about Ched as well because I was led specifically to that passage after asking God specifically to let me know if Ched lives again!

Now I have never had any formal religious instruction nor have I read the Bible. Therefore, I do not assume to know where these passages are in the Bible to be able to open to a specific passage dealing with what I just prayed about with my eyes shut! Pure and simple, it is a miracle unfolding at that time which works every single time I do this Bible technique. Talk about the love of the Divine ready to help us when we call upon it! This is my method of direct communication with the Light of God. It is an awesome two-way communion of my soul with the Divine that is very specific to what I was just seeking guidance about. In other words, I talk to God first, then God speaks back to me through the specific passages I am led to in the Bible. Answers such as I have just described happen each time I do this technique. It works beyond the mechanics of chance.

Ched must have known that our son would forget that our anniversary was today and I wouldn't receive the yellow roses that Ched always wanted me to have on special occasions. What day could be more special than celebrating what would have been our 50th wedding anniversary today? So he contacted someone who he knew would follow through with his desire to have me receive the yellow roses which mean so much to me. This experience verified for me that his spirit did bring me his message which I had sought for so long.

What makes this message from Ched so awesome is that he was a full-blown skeptic on the subject of life after death.  Before he died, I told him to be sure and bring me a message from the other side.  He responded by saying, "If there is no life after death, then I won't be able to bring you a message and then you will be wrong and I will be right."  Well, I think we now know who is right and who was wrong.  I'm so happy he found out for himself that life after death exists and that he was able to bring me that message to me afterall.

The moral of this story is that love never dies. Love between souls who shared a physical life together continues to exist after death. The mystery of the afterlife cannot be understood, only welcomed into the sacredness of the human heart where it can continue to nourish and instill the peace that passeth all understanding.

I cannot say that my heart will never ache again for Ched's physical presence with me on a day to day basis. As long as I am in human form with human needs, I will continue to experience a heartache that only those who have lost a loved one can understand. This pain will never go away until that day when we will be reunited once again in the afterlife. In the meantime, I will continue to write and speak and to witness to the mystery of the unseen in the hope that others will be inspired to understand there is more to our reality than meets the eye. When we are ready to embrace that awareness, the universe will open to us and bring us what we seek.

I write because I must. I write and speak because it is my purpose in life. I have shared this account with you because I must. If you have been touched in some way, look not to praise me. Instead, lift your heart to the universe and thank the Divine love within you that my story has lifted your own heart upwards toward the Divine in some small way. In doing that, my purpose here on earth is acknowledged. Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy account.

