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Do Our Pets Have an Afterlife? cats afterlife dogs afterlife dr. kenneth ring life after death pets afterlife Oct 05, 2020

by Dr. Kenneth Ring 


(Featured photo by JF Brou)


We all know what happens when we die – we don’t.

At least that’s what most of us believe, whether by religious faith or because we’ve been convinced by the collective testimony of near-death experiencers or perhaps for other reasons. But what...

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What We Don’t Want To Think About dr. kenneth ring fear of dying nde near death experiences Aug 06, 2020

What We Don’t Want To Think About
By Near-Death Experience Researcher Kenneth Ring, PhD

In order to delay my seemingly inevitable slide into terminal torpor, I have taken up a new form of exercise that I commend to you all: reading. Of course, you may have heard of th...

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Kenneth Letterman aging dr. kenneth ring humor and mortality Aug 29, 2019

These days as I cope with a condition I have sorrowfully come to realize is one from which I shall never recover – I am referring to old age, which I don’t recommend (though I am still searching for a reverse gear on eBay) – I have come to realize that I am a...

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The Body Is A Sometimes Thing By Dr. Kenneth Ring aging conscious aging dr. kenneth ring nde research Aug 05, 2019

The blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up.  

 — Matthew, 11:5

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that ...

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Nothing To Be Frightened Of aging death & dying dr. kenneth ring fear of dying ndes survival of consciousness Jun 24, 2019

“I should not really object to dying were it not followed by death.”

— D. J. Enright or perhaps Julian Barnes, or was it Thomas Nagel?  Possibly all three.


“Dying is hard; death is easy.”

—Guess Who


 For me, death is the one appalling fact tha...

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Detouronomy By Dr. Kenneth Ring aging dr. kenneth ring Jun 01, 2019

by Dr. Kenneth Ring


A funny thing happened to me on the road toward death.

I got sidetracked and wound up taking a detour.

These days, it seems, I am being courted, and my life, at least my professional life, appears to be heading in a new and unexpected direction.  If this keeps up, it is e...

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Cheers At The Half With Dr. Kenneth Ring aging dr. kenneth ring Mar 27, 2019

This will be embarrassing, but at least it will be short.   

The ancient Greeks looked down on anyone who was guilty of false modesty; they felt that if you were a superior person, you should flaunt it.  But this ancient Jew feels the opposite, that...

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What Hath Roth Wrought? By Kenneth Ring aging dr. kenneth ring Feb 27, 2019

Philip Roth, who wrote so fiercely about the torments of aging and the calamity of approaching death, died a few months ago.  In the end it was congestive heart failure that brought his long life to its close. His wait is over.

I can only wonder what hi...

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Sharing The Love: A Special Valentine’s Post after death communication dr. kenneth ring first-person accounts Feb 13, 2019

Nancy Clark has been a dear friend of mine ever since writing to me in 1982 about a very profound near-death-like experience she had a few years earlier while delivering a eulogy – and you will shortly be reading an expanded version of that experie...

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Better Dying Through Chemistry consciousness dr. kenneth ring end of life ndes near death experiences psychedelics Feb 02, 2019

Dr, Raymond Moody and the staff of The University of Heaven are not advocating the use of psychedelics.  However, we do think that informed discussion about them is important in our exploration of consciousness and end of life.



 A high dose psyche...

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