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Life, Death, and the Space Between afterlife ndes near death studies Apr 18, 2023

We always love to share interesting and insightful stories and interviews with you and this week we wanted to share Dr. Amy Robbins' podcast Life, Death, and the Space Between which has featured a number of near death experiencers and researchers. She has interviewed Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Jeff O'Dr...

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Remembering Two Exceptional Near-Death Experiencers dr. kenneth ring nde research ndes near death studies Apr 11, 2023

The following is excerpted from Notes From The Ringdom,  the wonderful blog of Dr. Kenneth Ring. You can read the original HERE.


Vicki Umipeg

Some years ago when I was still actively researching NDEs, I was struck and fascinated by occasional anecdotal reports that blind people were actua...

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In the Beginning dr. kenneth ring insight nde research ndes Feb 21, 2023

The other night, when I was reorganizing some of my books and papers, I happened to come upon an old newsletter from forty years ago that had been edited by some then friends of mine.  At the time they lived just a few miles from where I now reside, and seeing that newsletter brought back warm memor...

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Music & Spirit: Kevin Braheny Fortune music & spirit series ndes Feb 14, 2023

As part of our exploration of the intersection of music and spirit, we wanted to share with you the some of the story of Kevin Braheny Fortune. Kevin is a musician whose two near death experiences have had a profound impact on his life and work. 

 Kevin's story is also featured as part of The NDE S...

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The Wisdom of Jacob's Ladder afterlife insight ndes Feb 07, 2023

The following is excerpted from The Wisdom of Jacob's Ladder by Jacob Cooper. It was released in January and is currently the #1 Amazon bestseller in Near Death Experiences.

In it, Jacob uses the lessons from his childhood near death experience to help readers learn, grow, and increase their unders...

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Raymond Moody - A Time of Insight dr. raymond moody life after death ndes Jan 17, 2023

Dr. Raymond Moody was recently interviewed by Arjang Abraham Zendehdel on the A Time of Insight podcast. We're happy to share the interview with you, please enjoy!

 (Interview begins at 2:24)


  If you would prefer an audio only version, you can listen to A Time Of Insight on Soundcloud. 


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Passing Through Stars Near Death ndes near death experiences sandy coghlan Nov 22, 2022

Photo by PIRO

The following post is from Sandy Coghlan’s website “Heaven Knows…” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE on Sandy's wonderful blog.


In 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was celebrated as the first human to break free of earth’s gravitational pull and ...

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Nothing To Be Frightened Of aging death & dying dr. kenneth ring fear of dying ndes survival of consciousness Jun 24, 2019

“I should not really object to dying were it not followed by death.”

— D. J. Enright or perhaps Julian Barnes, or was it Thomas Nagel?  Possibly all three.


“Dying is hard; death is easy.”

—Guess Who


 For me, death is the one appalling fact tha...

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Suffering & Source With Kimberly Clark Sharp afterlife first-person accounts ndes near death experiences Jun 15, 2019

by Kimberly Clark Sharp 

Near-death experiencer Kimberly Clark-Sharp shares her NDE and offers a few words of wisdom about suffering and service.


The first thing I remember was the urgent sound of a woman's voice. "I'm not getting a pulse!" she said. "I'm not getting a pulse." Though I don't re...

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2nd Annual Online Nde Summit: A Match Made In Heaven By Lisa Smartt dr. raymond moody life after life lisa smartt nde research ndes paul perry Apr 30, 2019

Weeks before Raymond and I launched The University of Heaven, I started seeing social media posts from a near-death experiencer named Tricia Barker. She was launching the First Online NDE Summit with a beauti...

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