Grief Recovery

A Brief Guide To Grief


In the video clip below, Raymond Moody reveals how we might face a range of  unexpected emotions after losing someone we love.These can include anger, anxiety, guilt, depression, or bewilderment. Dr. Moody assures us that we will learn to live with the never-ending feeling of grief, and in the process deepen our appreciation and understanding of ourselves and others.

Learn More About A Brief Guide to Grief
man crying grief

Grief sets us adrift...

into a swirl of intense emotions. This can lead us to feeling isolated, as if we are cast out to sea alone.

Grief demands that we  connect deeply with our inner Self, our faith, our spirituality. 

Sometimes, when we are submerged in the depths, we discover unexpected pearls, shimmering glimpses of Spirit and wisdom.

With time, things do get easier, and for some, grief leads to an expanding spiritual awareness as they seek answers to the greatest questions we face as human beings about the meaning of life and the possibility of an afterlife.

Discover What NDEs Reveal About the Afterlife

You might find peace and refuge in...

listening to guided meditations, doing expressive movement or yoga, exploring feelings in a journal, writing letters with all the things unsaid to your loved one, listening to or playing music, drawing, exploring your relationship with Spirit through tools like inspired writing, or working with a grief coach or specialist. Many people find comfort in learning more about life after life and discovering the science that tells us that there is evidence that something beyond this world exists.

Find Refuge in Knowing

Grief Can Crack Us Open To Let The Light In

Maggie Spaulding, an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist and author, shares how her grief after the loss of her youngest son led to a spiritual awakening through the "unexpected and heavenly gifts" of inspired poems and  psychic development. Maggie shares her insights and her hope in the book Melodies of Grief Written in the Key of Love and here in this video excerpt with Cynna Seagrove and Lisa Smartt, facilitators of our Spirit Writing course.

A Brief Guide To Grief

In addition to the five stages of grief described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Dr. Moody reveals how we might also face a variety of unexpected emotions, ranging from anxiety, to guilt, to bewilderment. He assures us that we will learn to live with the never-ending feeling of grief, and in the process deepen our appreciation and understanding of ourselves and others.


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