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Can Songs Send Messages? after death communication life after life lisa morrison Nov 23, 2020

Recently, during a group reading I was asked, “Can songs send messages?” What I extracted from that question is, are songs that we hear carrying messages with meaning? The answer to that question is overwhelmingly, YES!


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Learning to Think Outside the Box With Anxiety coping covid healing grief health lisa morrison Nov 13, 2020

Anxiety has been a recurring theme in the last nine years of my life and it wasn’t until recently that I realized why.

My journey to my career as a Psychic Medium was not the dream I had as a child. Most children want ...

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The Energy of Our World and How to Cope coping covid healing grief health lisa morrison Nov 02, 2020

I have been having a lot of clients, both old and new coming to me with terrible anxiety since March. They can’t figure out where it is coming from. Some admit they are scared of COVID, being kept from their family, the uncert...

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