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Proof of Life After Life afterlife dr. raymond moody life after death paul perry science of ndes Jun 06, 2023


Exciting news — available for pre-order now!

PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE, the most important book yet written by Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, reveals evidence of the afterlife through their study of shared death experience.

Relying on more than fifty years of research, this groundbreaking b...

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Unravelling the Universe Interviews Dr. Raymond Moody afterlife dr. raymond moody life after death May 23, 2023

We're always happy to share new interviews with Dr. Moody and this month he was a guest on the Unravelling the Universe podcast. We've embedded the video below, but you can also listen to an audio only version of the podcast on Audacy. Unraveling the Universe is hosted by Ben Sinclair and is focused...

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The Joyful Friar Interviews Dr. Moody dr. raymond moody life after death Mar 28, 2023

We're always happy to share with you new interviews with Dr. Moody so you can experience some of his warmth, humor, and insights into life, death, and near death experiences. 

Dr. Moody was interviewed earlier this year by Father Nathan Castle, O.P. You can watch the interview below or listen HERE....

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Music & Spirit: Dr. Tony Cicoria life after death music & spirit series near death experiences Jan 31, 2023

There is a special connection between music and spirit. As far back as human history goes, religion and spirituality have been joined with rhythm and vibrating sound. Though we have no way of knowing when music was 'invented' or discovered by humans, it is believed to date as far back as language an...

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Raymond Moody - A Time of Insight dr. raymond moody life after death ndes Jan 17, 2023

Dr. Raymond Moody was recently interviewed by Arjang Abraham Zendehdel on the A Time of Insight podcast. We're happy to share the interview with you, please enjoy!

 (Interview begins at 2:24)


  If you would prefer an audio only version, you can listen to A Time Of Insight on Soundcloud. 


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Dr. Raymond Moody on The Irrepressible Dr. Ken Ring dr. kenneth ring dr. raymond moody life after death lisa smartt near death experiences Nov 29, 2022

Dr. Kenneth Ring and Raymond Moody transformed the conversation about death and dying. Hear Raymond describe their early work together that led to their creating a whole new vocabulary for talking about life's great mysteries.

Together they embarked on a scientific investigation of death and near...

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An Atheist's Journey to Spirituality after death communication afterlife life after death science of ndes Nov 02, 2022

Photo by NASA

 The following is a condensed excerpt from Second Life: An Atheist's Journey to Spirituality by Anne Cooper.

 After my session with Melissa [in which Melissa connected with my dead son Todd], I remained in a state of suspended disbelief. The experience made my ideas about life, death...

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The Death Experience with Roberta Grimes death & dying insight life after death life after life spiritual growth survival of consciousness Sep 11, 2022

We love to share interesting and enlightening perspectives on life, death, and the afterlife. This week’s post is courtesy of Roberta Grimes and is reprinted from her website You can read her original, the follow-u

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Can Philosophy Prove Life After Death? insight life after death life after life nde research near death experiences philosophy Jun 06, 2022
(Featured photo by v2osk)

The following is excerpted from Why an Afterlife Obviously Exists: A Thought Experiment and Realer Than Real Near-Death Experiences by Jens Amberts. You can purchase the book HERE, or read its review from Psychology Today.

There is arguably

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Soul Plans and Unhealthy Dynamics afterlife alicia young life after death life after life life plan soul plans spiritual growth May 28, 2022
(Featured photo by Nate Foong)

My sister’s husband gaslights her, and her confidence has plummeted this past year. Why would this be part of either’s Soul Plan?

When things are going well in our key relationships (or in those we witness), it can be easier to contemplate...

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