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A Simple Gift that Brings Light to Life coping covid death & dying final words lisa smartt music & spirit series spiritual growth Jan 03, 2023

A personal message from Lisa Smartt about her mother, her daughter, and what has brought her light in this challenging time.


My Mother & Daughter Are Both Bedridden:
Music Helps Me Make Sense of My Days


It is the day after Christmas but one would never know it.


There are no traces of wrap...

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How to Ease Fear of Death in a Pandemic after effects of ndes coping covid death & dying fear of dying insight life after death nde research near death experiences May 04, 2021
(Featured photo: Jenn Wood)

Around 8,000 Americans will die today, roughly 700 of them from COVID-19. We all know that death comes to everyone. Humankind has lived with that platitude for millennia. But it sometimes takes a pandemic for us to realize ...

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Learning to Think Outside the Box With Anxiety coping covid healing grief health lisa morrison Nov 13, 2020

Anxiety has been a recurring theme in the last nine years of my life and it wasn’t until recently that I realized why.

My journey to my career as a Psychic Medium was not the dream I had as a child. Most children want ...

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The Energy of Our World and How to Cope coping covid healing grief health lisa morrison Nov 02, 2020

I have been having a lot of clients, both old and new coming to me with terrible anxiety since March. They can’t figure out where it is coming from. Some admit they are scared of COVID, being kept from their family, the uncert...

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Promising Treatment of Covid-19 with Natural Supplements and Traditional Chinese Medicine coping covid health Oct 23, 2020

In December 2019, a mysterious viral pneumonia illness was discovered infecting patients in Wuhan, China.  This novel (new) coronavirus was named SARS-CoV-2.  COVID-19 is not the official name for the virus as the Internation...

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An Excerpt from A Brief Guide To Grief coping covid dr. raymond moody healing grief life after death life after life Sep 25, 2020
Photo: Kym MacKinnon

In the days of pandemic, we are all facing some form of grief as the life we knew before has been taken from us. There are those of us who not only are facing a collective loss of life as we knew it, but also, sadly, are confrontin...

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