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Life, Death, and the Cosmos: The Music of the Avalanches insight life after life spirituality Dec 25, 2020

“Life, death, and the cosmos set the boundaries of the Avalanches’ ambitious third album, We Will Always Love You. The record begins with a farewell voicemail—a final communication, we are led to believe, from a young woman who has passed away—and it ends wi...

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Your Soul’s Plan: The Deeper Spiritual Meaning of Suicide health life after life rob schwartz suicide Dec 14, 2020

When difficult or traumatic experiences occur in our lives, we naturally wonder, “Why did this happen? What does it mean?” Often, such experiences may appear not to have any particular meaning; they may seem to be nothing mo...

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The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets life after life life plan pets afterlife reincarnation rob schwartz Dec 07, 2020

The process of placing our energy within a body, and in so doing forgetting that we are vast, majestic, Divine Beings made literally from the energy of Unconditional Love, is akin to being struck on the head by a heavy tree b...

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Feeding Your Demons conscious aging dr. julie kidd fear of dying health life after life Nov 27, 2020

We all have our “demons” whether they’re overeating, alcohol or cigarettes, anger, worry, anxiety, panic, depression, powerlessness, self-loathing, insomnia, procrastination, obsession, illness… The list is endless. 

“Demons” c...

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Can Songs Send Messages? after death communication life after life lisa morrison Nov 23, 2020

Recently, during a group reading I was asked, “Can songs send messages?” What I extracted from that question is, are songs that we hear carrying messages with meaning? The answer to that question is overwhelmingly, YES!


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Part 2: Death Isn’t Real. Neither Is Life. dr. julie kidd life after life near death experiences Nov 20, 2020

If you ever have the gift of sitting with someone who is dying gradually and peacefully, you’ll notice how luminous and translucent they become. It’s as though their inner light is glowing brightly as the layers of the small ...

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Part 1: Death Isn’t Real. Neither Is Life. dr. julie kidd life after life near death experiences Nov 16, 2020

“It’s a dream, Mum,” Josh whispered in my ear. I was just starting to wake after six-hour brain surgery to remove a hemorrhaging malignant tumor from my brain stem, the center of the most basic functions of life.

Buddha said “This life of separateness may...

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Part 2: A Novelist Asks: Am I Channeling or Imagining? after death communication afterlife life after life lisa smartt reincarnation Nov 06, 2020

In 2001, I had one of the most inspiring and engaging relationships of my life… with a man who did not exist.

Or that is, did not exist in the flesh.

One morning as I wrote in my journal, I heard his voice tell me that he had a story...

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Part 1: A Novelist Asks: Am I Channeling or Imagining? after death communication afterlife life after life lisa smartt reincarnation Oct 30, 2020
(Top photo: Dolo Iglesias)


“My name is Carlos, and I want you to tell my story. Will you listen, or not?”

Those were the words that came through my pen on a November morning while I was writing in my journal.

The words pushed themselves through the ink ...

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Part 2: It’s Reigning Cats and Dogs: The Psychic Lives of Our Pets afterlife dr. kenneth ring life after life pets afterlife pets nde Oct 19, 2020


Moved by this story when I first read it [detailed in Part 1 of this post -Ed.], I sent it to my daughter Kathryn who, like her father before her and possibly because of him, has always loved cats and lived with them for most of he...

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