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Suffering & Source With Kimberly Clark Sharp afterlife first-person accounts ndes near death experiences Jun 15, 2019

by Kimberly Clark Sharp 

Near-death experiencer Kimberly Clark-Sharp shares her NDE and offers a few words of wisdom about suffering and service.


The first thing I remember was the urgent sound of a woman's voice. "I'm not getting a pulse!" she said. "I'm not getting a pulse." Though I don't re...

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The Atheist Who Went To Heaven with Nancy Rynes lessons of the nde near death experiences May 31, 2019

By Lisa Smartt  


Her friends call her “the atheist who went to heaven.” 

While cycling on her usual route, Nancy Rynes was run over by a distracted driver of a SUV.  Nancy was pinned between the vehicle and the road. As she was pulled across the pavement, she had what she calls dual consciousn...

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Nde After Effects By Dr. Debra Diamond after effects of ndes near death experiences Feb 27, 2019

What’s an NDE? A mystical journey to another realm? A glimpse into heaven? An opportunity for a reboot? Or is it something else–something ineffable? An experience we can’t possibly fathom?

Trying to understand the complexities of an NDE is complicated and ...

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Better Dying Through Chemistry consciousness dr. kenneth ring end of life ndes near death experiences psychedelics Feb 02, 2019

Dr, Raymond Moody and the staff of The University of Heaven are not advocating the use of psychedelics.  However, we do think that informed discussion about them is important in our exploration of consciousness and end of life.



 A high dose psyche...

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Ask Raymond January 2019 : Questions From Brenton, Sandra, And Carlos afterlife dr. raymond moody near death experiences Jan 22, 2019

Raymond Moody answers questions from:



Are there any published studies on the validity of the near-death experience?


First of all, in one of his recent blogs, Dr, Melvin Morse does an excellent job of explaining the science of the NDE a...

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Heaven Is Beautiful With Reverend Peter B. Panagore first-person accounts near death experiences Dec 15, 2018


A Divinity School Student’s Secret

When I was a young Divinity School student, I hid out in the books of the ancient mystics, isolating myself in their words, in a search for myself. I felt different than my classmates. When they were sitting in chapel every morning for an ho...

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Dr. Kenneth Ring: Laughing At Death aging conscious aging death & dying final words humor and mortality near death experiences Nov 29, 2018

Dr. Ring enjoys hearing from his readers. If you have comments about his blog posts, please send them to .



           Nature has symbols for her nobler joys,  
           Her nobler sorrows. Who had dared foretell  

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Encounters and Visitations apparitions first-person accounts near death experiences personal stories from readers Nov 14, 2018


My first recollection of a conscious experience takes me back to a time of sitting in my pram. I was born February 6th, 1940, so this witnessing must have been the second summer of my life. As the habit was to place baby in a pram in the garden, I was strapped in safely and as...

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Waiting To Die,Part II: One Flu Over The Dang Fool Test dr. kenneth ring final words mediumship ndes near death experiences Oct 01, 2018


[I actually wrote this last spring after my near near-death experience with the flu.   But since another flu season will soon be upon us, perhaps this cautionary tale is timely after all.  Its message is:  Don’t fool around with the flu this year, particularly if you are of ...

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Waiting To Die, Essay One aging conscious aging consciousness death & dying dr. kenneth ring nde research near death experiences Sep 03, 2018


 The bright realization that must come before death will be worth all the boredom of living.

- Ned Rorem

What’s it like, waiting to die?   Of course, it’s different for everyone.   I can only say what it’s like for me. On the whole, it’s rather boring.  

Don’t get me wron...

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