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Poets and Writers on Death and What Lies Beyond continuity of identity in the afterlife death & dying insight life after life spiritual growth survival of consciousness Mar 19, 2021

The meaning of life and death, the possibilities of what comes after. These questions have called to mankind since its infancy and their importance is undiminished by time. While what awaits us can’t be known, we can find words ...

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The Science of Near Death Experiences afterlife death & dying dr. raymond moody life after life near death experiences near death studies science of ndes Mar 12, 2021

The following is excerpted from The Science of Near-Death Experiences edited by John C. Hagan MD

Physicians and others who treat terminally ill patients sometimes hear the poignant and heart-wrenching question: “What is i...

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Final Requests death & dying final words first-person accounts life after life lisa smartt Mar 08, 2021

The following is an excerpt from ‘Words at the Threshold‘, Lisa Smartt’s book on what we say as we’re nearing death.


One of the ways people bring closure to their lives is through their final requests. The most common requests in the Final Words Project we...

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Kenneth Ring’s New NDE Career Part 2 aging dr. kenneth ring insight lessons of the nde life after life nde research science of ndes Feb 28, 2021


(Featured photo by Chris Barbalis)

The following post is from Dr. Kenneth Ring’s blog “Notes from the Ringdom” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE

But in the second part of this blog, I want to introduce you to someone who,...

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Webinar with Dr. Raymond Moody, On Suicide dr. raymond moody life after life suicide Feb 22, 2021
(Top photo: Robin Canfield)    
(This event has been taken place. A recording of the webinar is now included with p
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David Ditchfield’s NDE Gifted Him New Abilities after effects of ndes first-person accounts life after death life after life nde near death experiences Feb 16, 2021

In 2006 David Ditchfield was dragged under a speeding train in a freak accident. As the surgeons fought to save him, he had an amazing near-death experience (NDE).  David’s experience altered him in profound ways.

When he woke up in hospital, he had acqu...

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Howard Storm Touched Death and Found a Path Towards a New Life death & dying first-person accounts life after death life after life nde near death experiences Feb 05, 2021

Howard Storm had a near-death experience due to a medical emergency while visiting Paris in 1985.  It changed him from an atheist and put him on a path that led him to becoming an ordained minister. It led him fro...

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Why Understanding Life After Death Requires A New Way of Thinking death & dying dr. raymond moody insight life after life near death experiences science of ndes Feb 01, 2021


Since 1965 I have interviewed thousands of people about their profound near-death experiences. In 1975 I published Life After Life, a book about my...

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Angels, Music, and Reaching for the Unknown afterlife death & dying final words first-person accounts life after death life after life lisa smartt survival of consciousness Jan 25, 2021
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An excerpt from Making Sense of Nonsense by Dr. Raymond Moody dr. raymond moody life after death life after life spirituality Jan 04, 2021

Nonsense is a valuable part of language that deserves serious study. Even so, some people resist the idea of rational studies of nonsense. What is the peculiar stigma that many people attach to unintelligible nonsense?

Nonsense is surrounded by se...

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