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Why Understanding Life After Death Requires A New Way of Thinking death & dying dr. raymond moody insight life after life near death experiences science of ndes Feb 01, 2021


Since 1965 I have interviewed thousands of people about their profound near-death experiences. In 1975 I published Life After Life, a book about my...

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Hila Baruch’s Near-Death Experience Changed Her World hila baruch life after death nde near death experiences Jan 22, 2021

By Life After Life 


"Calling it an “experience” makes it sound limited because “an experience” is momentary\temporary, but what I experienced was eternal, not momentary."

In 2014, Hila Baruch bled out following a “normal” surgery and had an NDE that changed her world. Having worked for year...

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Remember, Every Breath is Precious afterlife consciousness death & dying first-person accounts life after death near death experiences survival of consciousness Jan 18, 2021
(Top photo: Helena Lopes)
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Famous Cardiac Surgeon’s Stories of Near Death Experiences in Surgery near death experiences Dec 21, 2020


(Featured photo By Ken Cheung)  


(As recorded in the Great Falls Tribune)

Dr. Lloyd Rudy was inspired greatly by his uncle, a physician and war veteran.

Lloyd completed his medical internship and residency at the University of San Francisco Medical Center. He was then ...

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An Excerpt from: The Light Beyond by Dr. Raymond Moody after effects of ndes dr. raymond moody fear of dying near death experiences paul perry Dec 04, 2020

I have been able to isolate eight kinds of personal changes that take place in a person undergoing an NDE (Three are covered in this excerpt –Ed.). These changes were present in all the NDEers I have talked to. It is the combi...

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Part 2: Death Isn’t Real. Neither Is Life. dr. julie kidd life after life near death experiences Nov 20, 2020

If you ever have the gift of sitting with someone who is dying gradually and peacefully, you’ll notice how luminous and translucent they become. It’s as though their inner light is glowing brightly as the layers of the small ...

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Part 1: Death Isn’t Real. Neither Is Life. dr. julie kidd life after life near death experiences Nov 16, 2020

“It’s a dream, Mum,” Josh whispered in my ear. I was just starting to wake after six-hour brain surgery to remove a hemorrhaging malignant tumor from my brain stem, the center of the most basic functions of life.

Buddha said “This life of separateness may...

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A Wonderful Account of an NDE dr. kenneth ring first-person accounts near death experiences Nov 09, 2020

I still can’t write without pain – it seems I may have a pinched nerve and am having an MRI today – but I wanted to take just a moment to share a very inspiring NDE account with you that I recently received from a friend. Just the thing to lift our sagging...

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My Husband Had a Near-Death Experience. This is What He Saw. after death communication nde near death experiences personal stories from readers Oct 02, 2020

Dina contacted us through the website and we wanted to share her husband’s experience (with her permission) with our readers. Enjoy. 

This is my husband Diego’s near-death experience:

I was in bed, when suddenly I saw myself...

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What We Don’t Want To Think About dr. kenneth ring fear of dying nde near death experiences Aug 06, 2020

What We Don’t Want To Think About
By Near-Death Experience Researcher Kenneth Ring, PhD

In order to delay my seemingly inevitable slide into terminal torpor, I have taken up a new form of exercise that I commend to you all: reading. Of course, you may have heard of th...

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