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Goodbye To All That aging dr. kenneth ring ndes Jan 06, 2019

 Dr. Ring enjoys hearing from his readers. If you have comments about his blog posts, please send them to



What is the bane of an old man’s life?  That’s obvious.  Naturally, it is the body.  But what is the bane...

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The Great Debate: Is Death A Dead End? The Case For The Prosecution aging conscious aging consciousness death & dying dr. kenneth ring life review nde research science of ndes Oct 28, 2018


Of course, when you’re in that in-between zone – what the Tibetans call a “bardo” – after your life is over but before you’ve died, you have plenty of time to think – to ruminate and to wonder what will happen to you when you finally cross that threshold and enter the house...

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Waiting To Die,Part II: One Flu Over The Dang Fool Test dr. kenneth ring final words mediumship ndes near death experiences Oct 01, 2018


[I actually wrote this last spring after my near near-death experience with the flu.   But since another flu season will soon be upon us, perhaps this cautionary tale is timely after all.  Its message is:  Don’t fool around with the flu this year, particularly if you are of ...

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Heaven’s Invitation: Live Fearlessly dr. kenneth ring final words lessons of the nde lisa smartt ndes Oct 01, 2018

“…the NDE may act like a benign virus, and by exposing yourself to it, you can catch it; that is, you can experience some of the same benefits as do those who actually have the NDE themselves.”

Dr. Kenneth Ring Lessons from the Light p.5

As many of you know, I a...

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Waiting To Die, Essay One aging conscious aging consciousness death & dying dr. kenneth ring nde research near death experiences Sep 03, 2018


 The bright realization that must come before death will be worth all the boredom of living.

- Ned Rorem

What’s it like, waiting to die?   Of course, it’s different for everyone.   I can only say what it’s like for me. On the whole, it’s rather boring.  

Don’t get me wron...

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Welcome To The Ringdom aging conscious aging death & dying dr. kenneth ring near death studies Sep 02, 2018



Introduction:  Hi, everyone. I think I should tell you a little bit about the column I’ll be writing monthly and that if you have the interest you’ll be reading – at least until your interest begins to flag.  You see, toward the end of last year, I wrote something, just as...

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