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Is There Life After Death? afterlife death & dying dr. raymond moody life after death life after life nde nde research near death experiences science of ndes Jun 14, 2021

The following is excerpted from Life After Life, the international bestseller by Dr. Raymond Moody. Originally published in 1975, this seminal work introduced millions to the concept of life after death and ha...

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Dr. PMH Atwater on What We Can Learn From NDEs after effects of ndes afterlife children's ndes dr. pmh atwater insight lessons of the nde life after death life after life nde research near death experiences Apr 19, 2021

This content is reposted with permission from the blog of Dr. PMH Atwater, Q & A with PMH AtwaterThe original can be found HERE.



The truisms that follow came from over 43 ye...

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An Excerpt from After by Dr. Bruce Greyson afterlife death & dying first-person accounts life after death nde research near death experiences science of ndes Mar 29, 2021
(Featured photo by Kaushik Panchal)

The following is excerpted from After, the culmination of nearly half a century of Dr. Bruce Greyson’s scientific research. Bruce Greyson, M.D., is one of the world’s leading experts on near-death experiences. His book he...

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The Science of Near Death Experiences afterlife death & dying dr. raymond moody life after life near death experiences near death studies science of ndes Mar 12, 2021

The following is excerpted from The Science of Near-Death Experiences edited by John C. Hagan MD

Physicians and others who treat terminally ill patients sometimes hear the poignant and heart-wrenching question: “What is i...

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Angels, Music, and Reaching for the Unknown afterlife death & dying final words first-person accounts life after death life after life lisa smartt survival of consciousness Jan 25, 2021
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Remember, Every Breath is Precious afterlife consciousness death & dying first-person accounts life after death near death experiences survival of consciousness Jan 18, 2021
(Top photo: Helena Lopes)
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Part 2: A Novelist Asks: Am I Channeling or Imagining? after death communication afterlife life after life lisa smartt reincarnation Nov 06, 2020

In 2001, I had one of the most inspiring and engaging relationships of my life… with a man who did not exist.

Or that is, did not exist in the flesh.

One morning as I wrote in my journal, I heard his voice tell me that he had a story...

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Part 1: A Novelist Asks: Am I Channeling or Imagining? after death communication afterlife life after life lisa smartt reincarnation Oct 30, 2020
(Top photo: Dolo Iglesias)


“My name is Carlos, and I want you to tell my story. Will you listen, or not?”

Those were the words that came through my pen on a November morning while I was writing in my journal.

The words pushed themselves through the ink ...

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Part 2: It’s Reigning Cats and Dogs: The Psychic Lives of Our Pets afterlife dr. kenneth ring life after life pets afterlife pets nde Oct 19, 2020


Moved by this story when I first read it [detailed in Part 1 of this post -Ed.], I sent it to my daughter Kathryn who, like her father before her and possibly because of him, has always loved cats and lived with them for most of he...

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Part 1: It’s Reigning Cats and Dogs: The Psychic Lives of Our Pets afterlife dr. kenneth ring life after life pets afterlife pets nde Oct 16, 2020

One day several years ago, as my girlfriend Lauren and I were out on her patio, a cute little stray kitten wandered in and stopped to look at us. Lauren who loves cats smiled encouragingly and bent down to greet our visitor who...

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