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What is Past-Life Regression? dr. raymond moody insight life after death life after life paul perry reincarnation survival of consciousness Apr 17, 2022

The following is excerpted from Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys by Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry.

I first heard about past-life regressions from Ian Stevenson, a professor at the University of...

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Souls Plans: What Fear Can Teach Us afterlife alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight life after life life plan soul plans spiritual growth Mar 24, 2022

Many spiritual authors, whether mediums or researchers who report the experience of others, have noted that loved ones who appear often seem markedly younger than when they...

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Kenneth Ring’s New NDE Career Part 3 dr. kenneth ring insight life after life nde research science of ndes survival of consciousness Mar 14, 2022

The following post is from Dr. Kenneth Ring’s blog “Notes from the Ringdom and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE


Another fellow I knew well, whom...

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Raymond Moody’s Interview with IANDS Israel after effects of ndes consciousness continuity of identity in the afterlife death & dying dr. raymond moody hila baruch insight life after death survival of consciousness Feb 28, 2022


We’re thrilled to share with you the video of an interview by IANDS (the International Association for Near-Death Studies) Israel chapter with Lisa Smartt and Dr. Raymond Moody!

One of the interviewers is IANDS Israel founder...

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Soul Plans and Difficult Lessons alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight lessons of the nde life after life life plan spiritual growth Feb 21, 2022


(Featured photo by TOMOKO UJI)


Since your OBE to the Other Side, have you experienced anything like it again? 

I have experienced only glimpses, such as a searing intensity of love or an especially deep sense of peace that surpassed the...

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Looking Back at Afterlife afterlife death & dying dr. raymond moody first-person accounts insight life after death life after life nde research near death experiences Feb 14, 2022

Afterlife is a documentary from 2017 that explores the question, What happens when we die? A revealing film featuring noted researchers Raymond Moody, MD, PhD; and Jeffrey Long, MD, as well as emotionally charged interviews with people who have...

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Dr. Kenneth Ring’s New NDE Career Part 1 aging dr. kenneth ring insight lessons of the nde life after life nde research science of ndes Feb 09, 2022

The following post is from Dr. Kenneth Ring’s blog “Notes from the Ringdom” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE. 

I am – or perhaps I should...

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At Heaven’s Door by William Peters after death communication afterlife consciousness continuity of identity in the afterlife dr. raymond moody insight lessons of the nde life after death shared death experiences Feb 07, 2022


(Featured photo by Mathieu Bigard)

Peters has built upon my foundational research into shared-death phenomena with this very well-researched and thoughtful look at the transpersonal effects of dying on family, friends, and even healthcare...

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Soul Plans and Life Themes alicia young continuity of identity in the afterlife insight life plan soul plans spiritual growth survival of consciousness Jan 24, 2022


Would you prefer to know when you’re going to die?

At age seven, I had a premonition of my death. It was my turn to read in front of the class when suddenly, everything stopped. I saw myself as a grown-up, with her back turned. I then watched this...

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Heaven Knows The Music of Dying death & dying fear of dying final words insight life after life near death experiences sandy coghlan spiritual growth Jan 17, 2022

“Is dying painful?”


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