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Chasing Jesus & Finding A Christmas Tale By Paul Perry apparitions jesus paul perry Nov 30, 2018

The photograph that runs with this column has been declared an official vision by bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt.  It consists of a mysterious spray of light coming down from the heavens directly over the church of St. Mark in Assiut, a Nile Riv...

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Do Brains Communicate? And How!! consciousness paul perry shared death experiences Oct 23, 2018


Do our brains communicate with one another? And how? 

Perhaps I should rephrase that by saying, and how!!! 

Of course we communicate through our brains which interpret our senses. That’s how we see, smell, hear, taste and feel. But I am talking about a sixth sense, one in which ...

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Raymond Moody + The University Of Heaven = The Intellectual Ride Of My Life dr. raymond moody life after life paul perry Sep 25, 2018

There is no way to express the debt of gratitude I have for Raymond Moody, MD, PhD. And that includes all the initials that follow his name. As a medical doctor he has diagnosed my ailments or explained those of others in a simple, patient and complete way that...

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