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David Lovegrove’s Aftereffects of his NDE after effects of ndes life after life near death experiences spiritual growth Jun 13, 2022


(Featured photo by Caitlyn Noble)

My NDE (at 21 years of age) left me changed.

Recovering physically took quite a while.

Mentally and spiritually, however, I became aware that I had a new, and at times incredibly strong, connection to that other side....

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Living It All Over Again – Life Reviews death & dying dr. kenneth ring first-person accounts insight lessons of the nde life review near death experiences spiritual growth survival of consciousness May 09, 2022

The following post is from Dr. Kenneth Ring’s blog “Notes from the Ringdom” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE.


A quarter of a century...

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Life After Life
Dr. Raymond Moody Radio Interview
Dr. Raymond Moody Radio Interview afterlife dr. raymond moody life after death nde research near death experiences philosophy May 09, 2022

Dr. Raymond Moody was recently interviewed by Michael Benner on KPFK-FM radio in Los Angeles about his work with near-death experiences, philosophy, and what he's learned over his years of study and research. 

Above is a short audio excerpt of the interview and below is the full conversation...

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Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander after effects of ndes afterlife consciousness continuity of identity in the afterlife death & dying first-person accounts lessons of the nde near death experiences science of ndes survival of consciousness Apr 10, 2022

The following is an excerpt from Proof of Heaven, the wonderful book by  Dr. Eben Alexander featuring an excellent account of his extraordinary near-death experience and its profound impact on his life, his beliefs, and his...

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Heaven Knows... An Interesting Old NDE afterlife consciousness continuity of identity in the afterlife first-person accounts life after death life after life near death experiences sandy coghlan Apr 03, 2022

The following post is from Sandy Coghlan’s blog “Heaven Knows…” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE.

Much has been written about NDE’s since the...

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The Crossover Experience Excerpt after effects of ndes continuity of identity in the afterlife lessons of the nde life after life nde research near death experiences science of ndes survival of consciousness Mar 21, 2022

The following is an excerpt from The Crossover Experience, a new book on the science and phenomenon of near-death experiences.

The book is written by DJ Kadagian with contributions from Dr. Pim...

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Looking Back at Afterlife afterlife death & dying dr. raymond moody first-person accounts insight life after death life after life nde research near death experiences Feb 14, 2022

Afterlife is a documentary from 2017 that explores the question, What happens when we die? A revealing film featuring noted researchers Raymond Moody, MD, PhD; and Jeffrey Long, MD, as well as emotionally charged interviews with people who have...

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Heaven Knows The Music of Dying death & dying fear of dying final words insight life after life near death experiences sandy coghlan spiritual growth Jan 17, 2022

“Is dying painful?”


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