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Shared Death Experiences – A Reader’s Account after death communication lessons of the nde life after death life after life shared death experiences spiritual growth survival of consciousness Sep 13, 2021

We want to share an account from one of our readers on the different encounters he has had with losing members of his family and the extraordinary experiences that came with them. We thank him for allowing us to pass his...

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The Indifference of Dying afterlife consciousness death & dying insight lessons of the nde life after death near death experiences sandy coghlan spiritual growth Aug 16, 2021

The following post is from Sandy Coghlan’s blog “Heaven Knows…” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE.


One evening in 1987, my mother went to bed. She didn’t get up again for a year.


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The Power of Surrender insight lessons of the nde spiritual growth May 18, 2021

After undergoing a near-death experience, many describe feeling connected to a greater understanding of life. How poignant – to recognize that once we let go of life, we can more fully appreciate and understand it. 

As a sin...

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Meditation-Induced NDEs consciousness lessons of the nde life after life spiritual growth Apr 30, 2021

To experience something beyond just the physical, human, finite existence. Something that expands us – past practicality – into the unknown. Expansive experiences, one might say.

Near death experiences take you to that pla...

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Dr. PMH Atwater on What We Can Learn From NDEs after effects of ndes afterlife children's ndes dr. pmh atwater insight lessons of the nde life after death life after life nde research near death experiences Apr 19, 2021

This content is reposted with permission from the blog of Dr. PMH Atwater, Q & A with PMH AtwaterThe original can be found HERE.



The truisms that follow came from over 43 ye...

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Kenneth Ring’s New NDE Career Part 2 aging dr. kenneth ring insight lessons of the nde life after life nde research science of ndes Feb 28, 2021


(Featured photo by Chris Barbalis)

The following post is from Dr. Kenneth Ring’s blog “Notes from the Ringdom” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE

But in the second part of this blog, I want to introduce you to someone who,...

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Death, From This Side of the Veil – Part 2 after effects of ndes death & dying dr. julie kidd health insight lessons of the nde nde spiritual growth Feb 26, 2021


(Photo: Zoltan Tasi)

You can read Part 1 of Death, From This Side of the Veil  HERE.

How can we prepare for death?

So, what about death, yours or mine? It’s a fact that we’re not getting out of here alive. It’s also true that we have very little control over ...

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The Atheist Who Went To Heaven with Nancy Rynes lessons of the nde near death experiences May 31, 2019

By Lisa Smartt  


Her friends call her “the atheist who went to heaven.” 

While cycling on her usual route, Nancy Rynes was run over by a distracted driver of a SUV.  Nancy was pinned between the vehicle and the road. As she was pulled across the pavement, she had what she calls dual consciousn...

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Heaven’s Invitation: Live Fearlessly dr. kenneth ring final words lessons of the nde lisa smartt ndes Oct 01, 2018

“…the NDE may act like a benign virus, and by exposing yourself to it, you can catch it; that is, you can experience some of the same benefits as do those who actually have the NDE themselves.”

Dr. Kenneth Ring Lessons from the Light p.5

As many of you know, I a...

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