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No Accidents – Signs Surround You after death communication afterlife first-person accounts insight life after life spiritual growth survival of consciousness Aug 30, 2021

What rules your life: destiny, fate, coincidences, chance or free will? Perhaps it’s a combination of them all. Largely I believe your life follows a blueprint, or as I like to call it – a screenplay…that you wrote to h...

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An Excerpt from After by Dr. Bruce Greyson afterlife death & dying first-person accounts life after death nde research near death experiences science of ndes Mar 29, 2021
(Featured photo by Kaushik Panchal)

The following is excerpted from After, the culmination of nearly half a century of Dr. Bruce Greyson’s scientific research. Bruce Greyson, M.D., is one of the world’s leading experts on near-death experiences. His book he...

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Final Requests death & dying final words first-person accounts life after life lisa smartt Mar 08, 2021

The following is an excerpt from ‘Words at the Threshold‘, Lisa Smartt’s book on what we say as we’re nearing death.


One of the ways people bring closure to their lives is through their final requests. The most common requests in the Final Words Project we...

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Kimberly Clark Sharp’s Extraordinary Experience death & dying first-person accounts life after death nde near death experiences Mar 01, 2021

Kimberly Clark Sharp had a near-death experience in 1970 as a 22 year old that changed the course of her life.  It led her to move west to Seattle, leaving behind her family and friends in Kansas.  It put her on a mission...

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Death, From This Side Of The Veil – Part 1 after effects of ndes death & dying dr. julie kidd first-person accounts nde near death experiences Feb 19, 2021

I’ve always been drawn to the question of what happens when we die. Many years ago, as a young hospital doctor, I read Dr. Moody’s Life After Life. It really opened my eyes to the vast realms of awareness beyond our everyday reality and started me on a journey ...

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David Ditchfield’s NDE Gifted Him New Abilities after effects of ndes first-person accounts life after death life after life nde near death experiences Feb 16, 2021

In 2006 David Ditchfield was dragged under a speeding train in a freak accident. As the surgeons fought to save him, he had an amazing near-death experience (NDE).  David’s experience altered him in profound ways.

When he woke up in hospital, he had acqu...

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Howard Storm Touched Death and Found a Path Towards a New Life death & dying first-person accounts life after death life after life nde near death experiences Feb 05, 2021

Howard Storm had a near-death experience due to a medical emergency while visiting Paris in 1985.  It changed him from an atheist and put him on a path that led him to becoming an ordained minister. It led him fro...

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Angels, Music, and Reaching for the Unknown afterlife death & dying final words first-person accounts life after death life after life lisa smartt survival of consciousness Jan 25, 2021
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Remember, Every Breath is Precious afterlife consciousness death & dying first-person accounts life after death near death experiences survival of consciousness Jan 18, 2021
(Top photo: Helena Lopes)
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A Wonderful Account of an NDE dr. kenneth ring first-person accounts near death experiences Nov 09, 2020

I still can’t write without pain – it seems I may have a pinched nerve and am having an MRI today – but I wanted to take just a moment to share a very inspiring NDE account with you that I recently received from a friend. Just the thing to lift our sagging...

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