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An Excerpt From Veil: Love Poems from across the Threshold after death communication final words healing grief lisa smartt Nov 30, 2020

Beyond the Threshold — An Introduction

My father was my first teacher. And through his final breaths, he became a teacher for life.

My father was deeply skeptical but underwent a spiritual transformation a few weeks before h...

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Oh Wow! - Words at Death's Door death & dying end of life fear of dying final words sandy coghlan Oct 26, 2020


Near-death experiencers often say they met deceased loved ones or saw stunning landscapes while they were flat-lining. If they really do take a peek across the veil, shouldn’t one expect that those dying permanently (if ther...

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I’ll Call You When I Get There, Part Two after death communication final words lisa smartt Jul 29, 2019

Lisa Smartt’s excerpt about after death communication comes from her book Words at the Threshold.

Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Adam Duhan.


High-Tech Talking

Accounts of communication from the dying and the dead have been recorde...

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Dr. Kenneth Ring: Laughing At Death aging conscious aging death & dying final words humor and mortality near death experiences Nov 29, 2018

Dr. Ring enjoys hearing from his readers. If you have comments about his blog posts, please send them to .



           Nature has symbols for her nobler joys,  
           Her nobler sorrows. Who had dared foretell  

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Waiting To Die,Part II: One Flu Over The Dang Fool Test dr. kenneth ring final words mediumship ndes near death experiences Oct 01, 2018


[I actually wrote this last spring after my near near-death experience with the flu.   But since another flu season will soon be upon us, perhaps this cautionary tale is timely after all.  Its message is:  Don’t fool around with the flu this year, particularly if you are of ...

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Heaven’s Invitation: Live Fearlessly dr. kenneth ring final words lessons of the nde lisa smartt ndes Oct 01, 2018

“…the NDE may act like a benign virus, and by exposing yourself to it, you can catch it; that is, you can experience some of the same benefits as do those who actually have the NDE themselves.”

Dr. Kenneth Ring Lessons from the Light p.5

As many of you know, I a...

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