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Shared Death Experiences – A Reader’s Account after death communication lessons of the nde life after death life after life shared death experiences spiritual growth survival of consciousness Sep 13, 2021

We want to share an account from one of our readers on the different encounters he has had with losing members of his family and the extraordinary experiences that came with them. We thank him for allowing us to pass his...

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No Accidents – Signs Surround You after death communication afterlife first-person accounts insight life after life spiritual growth survival of consciousness Aug 30, 2021

What rules your life: destiny, fate, coincidences, chance or free will? Perhaps it’s a combination of them all. Largely I believe your life follows a blueprint, or as I like to call it – a screenplay…that you wrote to h...

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Hidden Treasures: 1995’s ‘Seeing The Unseen’ DVD after death communication dr. raymond moody life after life psychomanteum Aug 09, 2021

The History of Using Clear-Depth Gazing for After-Death Communication

In Western cultures, death often means the loss of a loved one–never to speak to them again. ...

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Finding My Mother’s Cross after death communication death & dying life after death personal stories from readers Jul 05, 2021
(Featured photo by Erik Witsoe)


The following is a reader’s story of her experiences after her mother’s death. It has been lightly edited for clarity.

My mother had died recently because of ...

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Dreams as Communication from the Afterlife after death communication insight life after death life after life Apr 26, 2021

Claudia Carlton Lambright has had numerous After-Death Communications via Lucid Dreaming with her father and her husband, who are both in spirit. The following is an excerpt from her book, Just a Dream Away: Afte...

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An Excerpt From Veil: Love Poems from across the Threshold after death communication final words healing grief lisa smartt Nov 30, 2020

Beyond the Threshold — An Introduction

My father was my first teacher. And through his final breaths, he became a teacher for life.

My father was deeply skeptical but underwent a spiritual transformation a few weeks before h...

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Can Songs Send Messages? after death communication life after life lisa morrison Nov 23, 2020

Recently, during a group reading I was asked, “Can songs send messages?” What I extracted from that question is, are songs that we hear carrying messages with meaning? The answer to that question is overwhelmingly, YES!


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Part 2: A Novelist Asks: Am I Channeling or Imagining? after death communication afterlife life after life lisa smartt reincarnation Nov 06, 2020

In 2001, I had one of the most inspiring and engaging relationships of my life… with a man who did not exist.

Or that is, did not exist in the flesh.

One morning as I wrote in my journal, I heard his voice tell me that he had a story...

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Part 1: A Novelist Asks: Am I Channeling or Imagining? after death communication afterlife life after life lisa smartt reincarnation Oct 30, 2020
(Top photo: Dolo Iglesias)


“My name is Carlos, and I want you to tell my story. Will you listen, or not?”

Those were the words that came through my pen on a November morning while I was writing in my journal.

The words pushed themselves through the ink ...

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My Husband Had a Near-Death Experience. This is What He Saw. after death communication nde near death experiences personal stories from readers Oct 02, 2020

Dina contacted us through the website and we wanted to share her husband’s experience (with her permission) with our readers. Enjoy. 

This is my husband Diego’s near-death experience:

I was in bed, when suddenly I saw myself...

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