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Mas Sajady’s Near-Death Experience

after effects of ndes afterlife first-person accounts lessons of the nde life after life near death experiences Aug 15, 2022
afterlife, life after death, NDE, mountain stars


(Featured photo by Benjamin Voros)

The following is an account by Mas Sajady, a computer programmer and father of six children from Minnesota, who had two near-death experiences and found his life profoundly changed. He experienced new abilities and understanding and decided to devote himself to helping others unlock their potential through meditation.

You can also watch the short video below from his podcast in which he talks about his NDE.


First NDE

My name is Mas Sajady. My first NDE happened in 1983, when I was a 22-year old college student, feeling quite despondent about life. I had been looking for that one equation that describes life, searching for the answer to how I could become my best possible self. And I was shown in the most profound way. 

At that time I was working in a warehouse unloading rail cars and freight for Target. Within these rail cars, they had huge 700 pound moving walls that slid back and forth. One day, this particular wall got stuck so, being athletic, I climbed to the top and started pulling, while my team members were pulling from the bottom. When it released it, it just slid across and then came to a stop – with my face in between the wall and a ceiling beam. So I had my jaws crushed. I was hanging, not by my neck, but literally by my jaws. And I was stuck, I was trapped and that’s all I knew. 

I began to feel a sense of bliss and completeness and a lot of love surrounding me. I was out of my body although I didn’t realize it at that time. I was getting to be more and more expansive and euphoric. I felt like a genie coming out of its bottle. I started to expand through the railcar and next thing I knew, I was looking at my physical body hanging there. Then it hit me that I was dead.

I floated even further away from my physical form and I came into a tunnel of light. It was very familiar and felt like my way home. From my understanding, there’s about 13 layers in the tunnel of light and the purpose is to recalibrate you to your limitless self. I stepped into the fourth layer and I didn’t have a life review but rather a life re-live. I experienced being conceived and then going through the process of growth during the nine months in the womb, then birth, and all the way up to the point of death. I re-experienced all aspects of my 22 years of life. It may have been a few seconds, maybe 15 seconds at the most. It was a space of complete understanding and awareness and I had absolutely no regrets about anything that had happened in my life. It was very intense, expansive and euphoric all at the same time. I had complete integrity and confidence in myself, and I felt true love, not only for myself, but for the entire human race. It was so grand and so fantastic I didn’t want to come back. Next, I heard a voice say, “You can stay here, or you can go back,”but I was already being pushed back into physical consciousness. That’s where I snapped into my body and I felt the pain in my neck and jaw. 

I don’t know how long I was dangling there, but according to my teammates it was a long time before they could figure out how to release me. When they did, I fell to the floor, crumpled up. The next thing I know, I woke up in the hospital with my jaws wired shut. That time I was lying in hospital with my jaws wired shut was one of the most amazing three or four months that I’ve ever experienced. Everything seemed so brilliant because I was still experiencing it from a higher version of myself. The juices I drank (that’s all I could take) were so tasty, with flavors  I’ve never experienced before. The colors I saw in flowers or even around and in people – I had never seen that beauty before. And that was the beginning of where I could see people’s potential, their complete self. After that experience I was able to sense people and have visions of their future. 

Through this NDE, I became aware that we are only living 1% of who we really are, but there is another 99% that we can access. That magic genie is inside and we just need to learn how to release it. People tend to define themselves by their limitations, no matter how successful. But what if you could also see the possibilities available to you?  

Photo by Ernest Karchmit

Second NDE

I had my second NDE in my mid forties. By this time, a lot of things had unraveled in my life. Nothing really made sense to me, and I was searching for a deeper explanation of why we’re here. Looking back on the experience, I see that it was perfectly orchestrated for things to happen the way they did.

I was on a cruise with my wife and our four kids. On this particular day, we decided to go on an inner tubing excursion on a river in Belize. They ran out of life jackets and I volunteered to go without one. Funny enough, they also didn’t have the proper inner tube for my size.

We were split into two groups, so my wife and two of the kids went one way and the other two kids came with me. The one thing I remember the guide saying is “Interlock your feet, because if you don’t and you separate, you’ll get pulled into another tributary of the river.” It was high tide and the water was moving pretty fast. As soon as we stepped into the rapids, we got taken away and within seconds we were separated from the other group and the guide. At first, it felt really fun and adventurous – it was like whitewater rafting. But then we saw this huge rock jutting out of the river with a man-sized hole in the middle. We tried to push away from it and were paddling as hard as we could. Just in time, I pushed my kids around the rock, so I knew they were safe, but my inner tube got caught and I was sucked right into the bowels of the river. 

I began to feel this familiar resonance in my body. I thought it was water at the time, but it was literally the feeling of my consciousness starting to disconnect from my physical form. The hole that I was sucked into had been a lava tube back in the day but now it was filled with water. As I was floating deeper and deeper into the earth, I thought to myself, “Damn, I gotta do something, ” so I pushed against the rock and tried to crawl up. I could feel my flesh tearing from my back and my fingernails although I didn’t feel the pain because I was in another state of consciousness while trying to save myself.

It was completely black down there, but I could just see a glimmer of light from the tiny little spot in the distance where I had got sucked into the hole. As I looked at it I thought, “That’s the last thing I’m gonna see.” 

That’s the point where life really becomes precious. All these realizations of possibilities that I could have had exploded, and I thought “If only I could have one more chance.”  At that moment it seemed like there was no chance. It was too late. And I came to terms with that really quickly and just let go. As I did, it was very familiar. I could literally see or experience my body floating down deeper into the tunnel and I just stayed there without having to hold on. I was still fully conscious without a physical form. I wasn’t in the movie; I was observing the movie. It’s an amazing point of view.

So I just floated there and then I started ascending. That’s where it got really cool because I was aware that I was floating through the rock and into the river, and then I vaporized into the tunnel of light. On this occasion (unlike my first NDE), I just surged through the tunnel of light to the other end. I could feel myself passing through the 13 layers and it was very quick – it was like a crash course in awakening. From my understanding, very few have come back from that level to talk about it. Most NDE’ers meet their loved ones who have crossed over or have a life review, and then they go back down, but I graduated through the tunnel.  

I was completely aware of who I was as a Spirit, though my identity was still of human form and consciousness. I could transcend into any time frame and I could experience anything that I wanted to. I didn’t need anybody because I was complete. I still had the love of my family without them, because I was them, they were me, we were all one. There was a feeling of sadness about not seeing my kids anymore but there was also this beauty and vibrancy of the sadness. I experienced joy, not because I was doing something, but it was the joy of being and just knowing who I was – that joy can never be taken away. I didn’t see success or money as an external pot of wealth, I saw it as an internal pot of wealth that was never ending. I could create more and more and more. Where I was, the amount of love would short-circuit you physically. You would literally explode! Your body just doesn’t have the capacity to withstand that level of pure love. And it’s not an outside source that someone is giving you. You are that source and you’re part of that source. So it’s inside and outside, and it’s the most euphoric experience. A whole different understanding of why we are here came about, and all the possibilities that could be were available to me. 

But then something even more profound happened. I started to lose the identity of who I was as a human being and I was expanding into a universe. It was a beautiful blue space. Imagine you’re deep in stellar space and everything is just brilliant. Everything just illuminates and there’s billions of stars. And you’re not looking at that, you are that universe. You are literally a universe and you feel like a universe. You are both the observer and the observed. All the knowledge that ever was, is, and shall be, is available. It goes beyond time. It’s just like a black void, but it’s not even black – there’s no color. There’s nothing and there’s everything at the same time. At that level, the extent of our potential…you can’t even fathom that potential – it ‘s beyond huge. 

Somehow I managed to step back into having my spiritual form and then back into my body, where I had a divine intervention. According to my wife, I was underwater for over eight minutes. I found myself coming into my body, on a quieter side of the river, looking at the inner tube still getting pulled into the hole.  People who drown in those rivers are usually never found, but I was about fifty yards upstream, thinking “How the heaven did that happen?” But I knew at a deep level that something incredible had happened because I was looking at my bloody hands and I could feel the pain in my back, but I didn’t even care about that. I was just aware that this was the most beautiful experience that I’ve ever had. 

Later, as we stepped onto the ship and were reunited with the family, I realized that I was observing things very differently. At first I thought it was the water or the bacteria in the water. But as we went out to dinner that evening, there was another matrix that I was seeing. I was actually starting to see people’s Spirits, and I could tap into that Spirit and literally see their whole life story. That was the beginning of my abilities to tap into people and read their blueprint.

For four years following the second NDE, I experienced a ‘dark night of the soul’ as I integrated that experience of awakening. During this time, I was often drawn into deep meditations where I accessed and downloaded universal knowledge and wisdom. I coined the term ‘Xponential Intelligence’ for this timeless body of knowledge. I honed the ability to not just read, but to edit people’s blueprint or frequency signature for rapid healing and transformation. Everything is made of frequencies in space-time and if you can change the frequency, you can literally change your reality: cure diseases, reverse age, grow taller, wealthier, happier, smarter – and transform every aspect of your life.

I want to stress that everybody has access to these abilities and I just act as a catalyst to help people tap into their own power and wisdom within. Over the years, I have come to a clear understanding of the underlying science and mechanics of life and reality, and the key is space-time and consciousness. Today my life’s work and mission is to share this knowledge to help others elevate to a higher level of consciousness and access their full human potential while in this physical body.


To read a previous account of a near-death experience try our excerpt from Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander.



Mas Sajady is an expert in human transformation who after two near-death experiences, came back alive to share wisdom and help people break through the limitations of psychology, willpower and current self-improvement methods to change their lives.

Mas has worked with business leaders, medical and healthcare providers, professional athletes, celebrities, the Royal Families in UAE and Monaco, Fortune 500 Executives that include Capitol Records, Cardinal Health, Starbucks, Facebook, Fox, CCTV, CIA, Forbes, Microsoft, FedEx, Australia Post, China Petroleum and more. Mas also donates his time to assist schools, hospitals, special needs groups, local communities and people from all walks of life.

For more information about Mas Sajady, please visit
YouTube Channel: